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:: OJ0 - Market Reef (EU-053 ::

  Posted by ON7BS on 2004-09-24

found on : Members of the World Wide Young Contesters (WWYC) plan to activate Market Reef (EU-053) as OJ0YC between September 23rd and 26th. The team of operators include SM3WMV (Mike), OZ1AA (Thomas), KU5B (Colin) OH6GDX (Pat) at the moment. The DXpeditions goal is to be a multiplier in the Scandinavian Activity SSB Contest (Sep 25-26th), and to be on the air as a serious competing station too. They will also work a bit of RTTY during the contest the same weekend, but the main focus will be on the SAC SSB. Apart from HF, OH6GDX will mainly be focusing on working 2 meters (maybe also 70cm). Activity on 2m will be at least on the FSK441a, CW, SSB, FM modes. Mike promised to work some 6m QSOs too. QSL via OH6GDX Looks like we are becoming famous outthere. 73 es hpe to work u in contest ON7BS - ON7BS;

:: WAE CW Claim Scores ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2004-09-21

are out!! Compliments to LY7Z (LY2TA) - 1st place in Single Op High Power and CT1ILT & I3MLU (IZ3EYZ) 1st two places in Single Op Low Power! 18 WWYC logs were submitted so far. We reached last years level in only CW part but still only 4th place! Luckly 5th place is 2 millions behind so we dont have to be afraid for this! Bavarian Contest Club (DL) 24,968,828 (66) Rhein Ruhr DX Association (DL) 8,472,436 (27) Russian Contest Club (UA3) 5,535,306 (13) World Wide Young Contesters (*) 4,540,293 (18) Contest Club Finland (OH) 2,798,704 ( 7) So, SSB claim scores and RTTY part to go! Hope to get few more millions there! CU in CQWW RTTY this weekend! - 9A6XX;

:: BMA contest ::

  Posted by guest on 2004-09-16

(Belgian Mill Award) Sunday 19 sept 2004 6u - 10u UTC I will be active as ON7BWB/p from WV WIM 8054 - ON7BWB;

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