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:: WAE CW Claim Scores ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2004-09-21

are out!! Compliments to LY7Z (LY2TA) - 1st place in Single Op High Power and CT1ILT & I3MLU (IZ3EYZ) 1st two places in Single Op Low Power! 18 WWYC logs were submitted so far. We reached last years level in only CW part but still only 4th place! Luckly 5th place is 2 millions behind so we dont have to be afraid for this! Bavarian Contest Club (DL) 24,968,828 (66) Rhein Ruhr DX Association (DL) 8,472,436 (27) Russian Contest Club (UA3) 5,535,306 (13) World Wide Young Contesters (*) 4,540,293 (18) Contest Club Finland (OH) 2,798,704 ( 7) So, SSB claim scores and RTTY part to go! Hope to get few more millions there! CU in CQWW RTTY this weekend! - 9A6XX;

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