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:: 4C2X ::

  Posted by 9H1PI on 2004-06-05

call 4C2X will be active for the ARRL June QSO Party from Punta Banda, Baja Califonia, Mexico, DM11pr in the South of Ensenada. QRV in 50, 144, 222, 432, 1296 MHz and 10 GHz band. Though we are in Contest to work stations from the USA and Canada, we invite all hams to call us. Out of Contest, there will be an HF station on SSB, CW, probably digital modes with the same call. 4C2X team will be: Jack, N6XQ; Miguel, W6YLZ; Hector, XE2K; Roman, XE2ED; David, XE1NTT; Ramon, XE1KK; Yuri, XE1UN and Al, XE1NK (WWYC #377). QSL v?a XE2K. 6m contacts with Europe can be possible. 73 and DX de Al, XE1NK - EA1DLD WWYC#377 - XE1NK;

:: Contest Results ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2004-05-24

nice page with some contests top results on them. As for the recent contests you can find top scores from ARRL 2004 RTTY Round up, ARRL 10m 2003... You can read them under RESULTS section of his pages on - 9A6XX;

:: CQWW Committee ::

  Posted by UR5GAR on 2004-05-18

this last weekend, Bob Cox, K3EST came and asked if we would nominate one of our members to serve on the CQ Contest committee. The current members are listed here and are all USA, although there are DX advisors. Any nominations and/or questions should come to me at 73 and hope to hear from some of you soon with nominations! Trevor Fulk N9YM - N9YM;

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