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:: New callsign ::

  Posted by guest on 2005-02-07

let you know that I've changed my callsign to UW1GZ. Hope to catch you in the contest! we also UR6GWZ in all contest! 73! - UR5GFO;

:: Contest Results2004 Contest[/b] results can be found on: ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2005-01-27

scc .SCC guys are faster and faster each year in [b]Russian DX Contest 2004[/b] results can be found on with all the excellent statistics and so on. Compliments to the 16 WWYCers that signed WWYC Club with their logs so the Club won 4th place in the Club Competition! Again, organizers forgot to include some of the stations into the count but 3rd place was far away anyway. Seems like this contest is quite loved among WWYCers and that means we'll see you this year again! - 9A6XX;

:: CCF Cruise pictures ::

  Posted by SM0WKA on 2005-01-26

from the 2005 Contest Club Finland (CCF) Contest and DX cruise over the baltic sea is online. - SM0WKA;

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