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:: WWYC at WRTC 2006 ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2006-03-07

be competing at WRTC 2006 event, here they are: Current WWYC members in WRTC Teams: KL9A, PY1NX, N6MJ, LU1FAM, ES5TV, OH2UA, OH4JFN, 5B4AFM, YO9GZU, IZ3EYZ, LZ4UU, 9A6XX, DJ1YFK, OZ1AA, SM0W ex. WWYC members that are in WRTC Teams: - this means they're just slightly over 30 now N2NL, LU5DX, IK2QEI, LY2TA, 9A5K, S55OO, JK2VOC Great show up! - 9A6XX;

:: WWYC amazed in WPXs 2005 ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2006-03-03

of Contest Club points for WPX CW & SSB 2005 contests. WWYC members submitted more then [b]85 MILLION POINTS[/b]! #1 Bavarian Contest Club ... 221,468,371 #2 Potomac Valley Radio Club ... 142,743,103 #3 Yankee Clipper Contest Club ... 111,465,447 #4 Contest Club Finland ... 90,282,327 #5 World Wide Young Contesters ... 85,608,541 !!! This is probably biggest ever WWYC effort and result leaving behind some great Clubs such as RRDXA, FRC, NCCC....! Next WPX SSB is in the last weekend of March so be there and lets make this score even bigger! - 9A6XX;

:: SCR 2006 ON4HTI ::

  Posted by DO4KM on 2006-02-11

Like every year next week (13-17/02) is again the School Club Roundup. Very famous in the States less know in europe. I just want to let you all know that i will be operating the station on Thursday Feb. 16th ! *starting about 17.30 UTC and in the SSB mode* (its more fun for the non-hams) So guys plz give us points by answering my scream! I will try to be QRV on IRC at that moment. More info: [url][/url] [i][Edited on 11.Feb.2006 ][/i] - ON8TK;

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