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:: Newsletter will late.. ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2003-11-28

(29th and 30th November) Decembers issue of WWYC Newsletter will late a bit. Editors Fab, DJ1YFK & Hrle, 9A6XX promise a new issue to be out untill Wednesday, 3rd December! Stay tune and good luck in the WW CW contest! - 9A6XX;

:: CQWW CW Teams ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2003-11-25

gather untill 3 days before the contest. You still have the time to fit in: WWYC Lids United CQ0T, TK9A, OZ1AA, OT3R, DU1/LA6FJA WWYC League of notorious lids DJ1YFK, YT7AW, ON5ZO, N4YDU, K3OO WWYC Splatters LY7Z, M4K, 9A4D, SM0W, LT1F WWYC Mushrooms OE8CIQ, KE9R, 9A1CEI wishes and suggestions to our e-mail: info at - 9A6XX;

:: SC DX Club - ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2003-11-21

started a small local DX Club named South Carolina DX Club. After perfectly choosen team of WWYCers they started a great website Website contains very refreshing and great reading material about how young hams are seeing their hobby - I can tell you it sure looks like a lot of fun. Nothing more to say then check it out! - 9A6XX;

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