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:: Personal Mail ::

  Posted by LZ5AZ on 2003-11-04

I'm happy to introduce our new website-feature - the Personal Mail. Now the members of WWYC can send and read messages each other. If you see someone is online and wish to say Hi! just click on Personal Mail and drop him a message. Now open your mailboxes and see what messages are waiting for you. This function is only for WWYC members :) - LZ5AZ;

:: QTH Locator Software ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2003-11-03

9A6NPM made a small, cool and easy to use software for calculating QTH locators distances (in km and miles), their latitudes & longitudes and bearings. You can download the 45KB software by clicking here If you'd like to have some other simple hamradio application created just drop the idea here as a comment and we'll see what can we do about that. Thanks again to Marko, 9A6NPM - 9A6XX;

:: Novermber's Newsletter!! ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2003-11-01

It's out! Newsletter is out again and this time thanks to a larger activity by US members. Thanks to N6MJ & K9YO for their first and we hope not the last write-ups. Beside US WWYC we'd like to thank our brave XU expeditioners for a nice story of their Cambodian adventure. All that and much more in Novermber's issue of WWYC Newsletter! - 9A6XX;

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