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As I'm sure you are all aware, this coming weekend (24/25 July) is the
RSGB IOTA Contest. A number of WWYC members will be active in the
contest - this is the most current list we have:
9A0CI (EU-110)
9A2004YC (EU-110)
CS7T (EU-040)
G5W (EU-005)
M3PHP (EU-005)
M4A (EU-005)
M8C (EU-011)
MD4K (EU-116)
PB2T/P (EU-146)
SM3W ZX7XX (SA-046)
I myself shall be operating as part of a team at G5W. If I have missed
anyone off the list, or if anyone would like to be included on the
list, please send an email to the WWYC reflector and I shall add you as
soon as possible.
Good luck to you all! 73,
Simon M0CLW
- M0CLW;