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:: WPX SSB This weekend ::

  Posted by LB3RE on 2014-03-27

Hope to hear many WWYC'ers this weekend in CQ WPX SSB 29-30th March Rules 73s de LB3RE Rag, will be QRV with my brother LA1LUA patrick and few new hams from LN5O/LI5O;

:: radioweekend shelltoren august 2013 ::

  Posted by IZ6LOF on 2013-07-11

Radio Weekend Shell Tower Amsterdam PA6WOSHELL During the lighthouse weekend on 16, 17 and 18 August 2013, the doors of the Shelltower are open to the public. Not even amateurs are thereby invited. They can get acquainted with a group of radio amateurs and if desired self guided behind the microphone to crawl. Radiocommunications itself Locally on the VHF band, but also far beyond Europe on shortwave. The weekend is in collaboration with the Oscar Whisky group. To guide the visitors and lead the opening in the right direction is still looking for >> volunteers << a few hours on weekends are available, also for operators! When you want to help, we have free place to sleep in our tower. Entree free for public Caravan and camper are welcome, we have place by the tower. Overnight? A bed and breakfast Amsterdam costs around 23 euros per night. If you want to stay, let us know, perhaps we can find another solution. When you want to demonstrate something to the public, mail us. We have a large courtyard where anything can stand. The radio weekend starts on Friday and ends on Sunday evening (times follow, see website). For questions you can mail to or see phone number on the website. The Shelltower is by the Central Station Amsterdam, just 5 minutes walk. See the pictures on our website with beautiful view of Amsterdam.;

:: WRTC 2014 - Youth Team ::

  Posted by DJ5CW on 2013-06-11

From our mailing list:

Hi all...

You may or may not know that there will be a youth team (both
competitors 25 or younger) selected to compete at WRTC 2014 in Boston.
The WRTC committee is interested in knowing who might be interested in
competing, either as team leader or as a team mate. If you meet the
age requirements and are interested, please visit this URL and let
them know:

73, Dave KH2/N2NL

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