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:: EU-sprint results SSB ::

  Posted by OM1XQ on 2003-12-22

The results of the EU sprint Autumn SSB are published. You can find them at . The WWYC is mentioned because a lot of us participated. Congrats to all. 73 ON4MGY Nic - ON4MGY;

:: 9A CW Contest 2003 ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2003-12-19

Croatian CW Contest going on. Rules can be found here! If you are searching for a WriteLog plugin for the contest there is a great one made by WWYC 9A5K - download. How to install this DLL file? - copy it into your Writelog/Programs directory - enter command prompt in this directory - type: regsvr32 CROCW.dll - open Writelog and select 9A CW Contest 73 es GL in the contest! - 9A6XX;

:: WAEDC CW ::

  Posted by M3HKY on 2003-12-16

WAEDC CW results are out. Available at CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GUYS! - LZ4UU;

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