Chat with WWYCers!


More information about the WWYC IRC chat.


:: WWYC Age Limit #2 ::

  Posted by DJ5CW on 2004-12-09

age-limit has closed now. The vast majority, 71% voted for the introduction of a honorary membership. This means that every member of our club can now nominate hams who supported the WWYC and who don't meet our age criteria ('Old farts'). See: for details. - DJ1YFK;

:: WWYC Qso Party ::

  Posted by OE5HCE on 2004-12-06

post recently, about a YC contest every year, anybody have anymore thoughts on it? - MM0NDX;

:: ISSARO - new ham group ::

  Posted by SQ8DSR on 2004-12-05

Luke SP8QED #333 and Pawel SP3XBN #472, have formed with Piotr SQ7MPJ new group called ISSARO - International Society of Scientists and Amateur Radio Operators, open to everyone who holds an amateur radio license and is working at university or institute. If you are such person, please join. If you know such person, please tell him! More information at - SP8QED;

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