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:: OO prefix in Belgium ::

  Posted by guest on 2005-01-01

inform about the "OO" prefix that can be used in Begium in 2005: "As a result of the 175-one year old existence of Belgium, and on the request of amateur radio enthusiasts, the B.I.P.T. has decided to all amateur radio enthusiasts with a Belgian license to permit the prefix "OO" instead of the standard prefix use "ON", and this during the whole year 2005." cu in the air as OO7BWB - ON7BWB;

:: Happy New Year! ::

  Posted by LZ5AZ on 2005-01-01

year bring you hapiness, health and love... good condx and a lot of QSOs during contest. And as my friend says: "Wish you big antennas and high power!" :) - LZ5AZ;

:: WWYC in January QST ::

  Posted by 9H1PI on 2004-12-28

come with a lot of presents! I?ve received my January issue of QST and there is a complete article about the WWYC Meeting in Croatia, including a great picture. Wonderful!! 73 & DX de Al, XE1NK - EA1DLD - XE1NK;

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