Chat with WWYCers!


More information about the WWYC IRC chat.


:: WAG ::

  Posted by K3ASK on 2004-10-15

this weekend. We are running a nice station. I hope to work many WWYC?s Watch out for me DJ8OG (also 2 weeks later on CT9L), Vy 73?s de Matt - DJ8OG;

:: CQWW Plans ::

  Posted by M3PHP on 2004-10-14

website for cqww please add your activities to the list! - M3PHP;

:: Results of SPDXC 2004 ::

  Posted by SQ9C on 2004-10-14

DX Contest 2004 are available on: See You in the next year! 73! Alex SQ9UM - SQ9UM;

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