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:: IARU @ LN2HQ ::

  Posted by LB3RE on 2004-07-10

NRRL main station I will run 40m CW and 160m SSB LA7EJA Karl and LA7LNA Tor will run 15m SSB LA9HW@LA8W Jan, runs 20m CW/SSB 15m CW LA6EIA Ole 80m SSB LA7WCA 40m SSB LA5LJA 10m CW/SSB QSL via Buro - SPOT AND WORK US!!! - LA6FJA;

:: IARU ::

  Posted by SM2WMV on 2004-07-09

your plans! Me and SM3JLA will operate SK9HQ on 20M SSB from my place. Make sure to work us in the contest! Otherwise SK9HQ doesnt have a big go for it this year but we will atleast try to make a competetive score on 20M. Wish you all the luck and hope we work eachother! - SM3WMV;

:: Holiday to france ::

  Posted by guest on 2004-07-08

I’m going on a holiday to France (Miolles) and I would let you know that I’ll be active as f/on7bwb/p from 11/07 until 16/07. Most active in the evening 18.30 utc and that most of the times on 14.265 +- qrm. Hope to work you 73 on7bwb Bert - ON7BWB;

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