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:: Ari contest website ::

  Posted by 9A1UN on 2004-04-16 73's Dave 9a6ndx - 9A6NDX;

:: ARI DX Contest Website ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2004-04-16

manager IK2HKT already made some good moves related to ARI DX Contest. Since it was very hard to find results and informations of ARI DX Contest in past years IK2HKT created nice website for that contest. Site contains all the informations you will need for this contest; rules in various languages, previous results, contest records and logs related informations. This will sure help ARI DX Contest to even more raise their activity. ARI DX Contest Website - 9A6XX;

:: DA0HEL EU-127 JO34WE ::

  Posted by DL1ELY on 2004-04-15

in a meeting of hams on the only german high sea island of Helgoland from 23rd-26th of april. We will operate DA0HEL on HF (and 2m with limited equipment on tropo). On sunday (25th) a small group will activate the small neighbouring rock Duene (JO34XE). I would be happy to work as many WWYCers as possible. Give us a call (Although not in a contest :-) ! - DL1ELY;

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