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:: IOTA 2004 ::

  Posted by guest on 2004-04-13

for the IOTA contest 2004. WE will worked as UW0G! But now we have some problems with generators, hope everything will be ok till July! 73! Cu there! - UR5GFO;

:: Amateur Radio On Teletext ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2004-04-08

Dan/S50U, Joze/S52JK and the Cerkno ARC (S50E), RTV Slovenija features two Teletext pages (with five sub-pages) devoted to amateur radio, including SK3BG's Contest Calendar (page 396/3), DX spots from S50CLX (397/1) and 425DXN's calendar (397/2). RTV Slovenija can be found on Eutelsat Hot Bird (12.303 GHz, Pol. V, SR 2750, FEC 3/4). Web page at S50CLX can be reached over WEB interface: or telnet: port 41112 - 9A6XX;

:: WWYC age extended ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2004-04-01

growing of the age average and the life expectancy all over the planet we decided to move age limit in WWYC to 60! So, now all the people with 60 or less years will be able to join WWYC Club. Long live youth! - 9A6XX;

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