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:: Friedrichshafen Hamfest 2019 ::

  Posted by DJ5CW on 2019-06-21

Young and not-so-young contesters will once again have their annual informal meeting at the Ham Radio exhibition at Lake Constance, Germany.

Like always the WWYC meeting point will be in the beer garden, located at the open-air ground next to hall A3 on Friday June 21 and Saturday June 22. The new starting time is 1:00 PM local time! Have a look for the usual suspects from 9A, DL, G, HA, OZ, S5, SP etc. You will find the lid pileup easily.

Another place to look for WWYC lids at all other times is the booth of the Bavarian Contest Club in hall A1 (booth no. A1-298) and the nearby booth of the DARC DX/Contest department (booth no. A1-284+285).

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