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:: WWYC in IARU HF Championship ::

  Posted by DJ5CW on 2008-07-10

From the mailing list:

Call         WWYCers           Category
9A0HQ        9A1UN, 9A5CW,     HQ
             9A6XX, 9A8MM,
DB1KMN       DB1KMN            SOAB LP PHONE
DJ1YFK       DJ1YFK            SOAB HP
DJ7EC        DJ7EC             SOAB LP
DR7R         DL7RBI            SOAB LP CW
HG6N         HA1AG             M/S
IU4HQ        IZ4EFN            HQ (15m CW)
KU0DM        KU0DM             SOAB HP SSB
LX0HQ        DK5TX, LX2A       HQ
M0BLF        M0BLF             SOAB LP MIX
M0TQM        M0TQM             SOAB LP MIX
M2W          M3PHP             M/S
NN3W         NN3W              M/S
NR3X         N4YDU             SOAB LP MIX
NU1AW/0      K0DXC             HQ
OH/SM0W      SM0W              ?
OZ1HQ        OZ5BD, OZ7AM      HQ
PB2JJ        PB2JJ             SOAB LP MIX
S50HQ        S50XX, S52X, S55O HQ
SN0HQ        SP5HNK, SQ6MS     HQ (40m SSB)
             SQ9C, SQ9UM          
W6YI         N6MJ              SOAB HP MIX
Any additions welcome. See you on the air!;

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