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:: 1st anniversary SP-WWYC ::

  Posted by SQ9C on 2004-10-14

I would like to inform about 1st anniversary of SP-WWYC mailing list. We have 43 subscribers (only Polish YC) and during livelong year we sent 1048 posts. Top Ten: 1. SQ4NR: 212 2. SQ9UM: 111 3. SQ9JKS (& SP9-31013): 92 4. SQ8GHY: 89 5. SP8QED: 80 6. SQ6MS: 74 7. SQ9FK: 68 8. SP1DID: 45 9. SP5HNK: 35 10. SP5TVK: 29 73! Alex SQ9UM Moderator of SP-WWYC mailing list. - SQ9UM;

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