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:: WWYC Meeting in 2 months! ::

  Posted by 9A6XX on 2005-06-17

months away from WWYC Meeting in Darlowo, Poland! Maybe you are not hot for the stuff yet?! Maybe this will warm you up! Current presentations list: Robert, SP5XVY - FT5XO - Kergulen Expedition Greg, SQ4NR - SP-WWYC Activities Hrle, 9A6XX - 6 Years of WWYC Lee, G0MTN - VooDudes on the Air Marko, 4N1JA - TS3A in WPX SSB 2005 Andrea, IK1PMR - 6O0CW and T33C Expeditions Donata, SP5HNK - General Introduction to the 2nd WWYC Meeting Zoli, HA1AG - IOTA Backpacking in Patagonia Joe, SP9P - Advanced Antenna Systems Also there will be US FCC Exams for which you must register on! Please do it as soon as possible! Much more to come! If you are interested in participating or helping this event register yourself thru emails and - our organizers! - 9A6XX;

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