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:: YASME support at WRTC2006 ::

  Posted by G0MTN on 2006-01-01

Foundation Supports Young Contesters at WRTC-2006 by N0AX, Ward Silver, YASME Foundation, Board of Directors Because radio contesting needs to attract and support youth, the YASME Foundation ( announces a donation of $10,000 to WRTC-2006 in support of youth participation. These funds will be used to help Young Contesters from around the world attend and participate in WRTC-2006, to be held in Florianopolis, Brazil in July 2006. WRTC-2006 has dedicated three two- person team allocations to Young Contester teams. Additional Young Contesters may participate as part of multi-operator teams. We encourage young amateurs with a strong interest in contesting to make their applications for those positions by 20 Jan 2006. The qualifications and criteria for Young Contesters to apply to multi-operator teams will be announced shortly. While the multi-operator teams will operate at existing stations in Brazil, Young Contesters qualifying for the WRTC2006 competitor teams are expected to bring their own equipment. Thomas Carlsson, PY2ZXU [] and Cesar Rodrigues, PY2YP [] are available to help you with your applications. You should notify them before January 20, 2006 if you are interested in participating. [i][Edited on 07.Jan.2006 ][/i] - G0MTN;

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